Thursday, December 11, 2014

Just a sec !!!!!!

Dad can you come here I want to show you something….just a sec I say and then I get lost in the minutia of life and forget what my son who I  prayed and longed for wants. Well this little word just a sec has come full circle in my life recently when I called out for my kids and they both answered, you guessed it “just a sec” and then it hit me as the song Cats in the Craddle popped into my head with the lyrics “My boy was just like me!”  

How I hate that I put off their needs when my kids need me or desire my attention. I do that more than I care to admit and I need to commit that I need do better. How I wonder how our Father wants our time and attention but repeatedly gets “just a sec” Can you imagine doing that to the very person who created the moon and stars, the ocean and all that’s in it, the snow and rain and everything above the earth and below. Those three little words pack a punch and there not pretty, those words convey you’re not important, or what I’m doing is more important than what you need at this minute.  

Maybe you struggle with the same thing; maybe you have three little words that convey the same message. What areas of your life do you hold dear too and don’t want to share  or interrupt.  If you’re like me and look deep I can assure you we all have them!

Can we commit to each other that we will do better when our wives or kids, or bosses need us, that we will stop what were doing and let others know that they are important, that they are loved and cared for and that what they need from you is more important than a TV show that can be paused, or a computer screen that can wait!!!


Just a thought!!!
Contributed by guest writer, John Carolan.  Way to go John !!!!

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