Saturday, December 13, 2014


Have you ever had surgery?  For those who haven''re fortunate.  Surgery leaves scars.  Now, personally I don't mind scars.  I got a few good ones back when I was a kid.  That was back in the days before there were butterflies, clamps,  and glues used to minimize scaring.  Heck, a good scar was like a badge of honor back then...."hey. look at what I got!".  Bragging rights in it's early stages you know.

Nowadays the docs seem to be of the mindset that it's best to keep the patients natural beauty intact (a wee bit of tongue in cheek there).  I had a full shoulder replacement a couple of years ago.  The surgeon opened up a large enough area to drive a Mack truck through.  At least that's what it felt like when I came to!  Here, a couple of years later, there is hardly a reminder on the arm of the route where that truck traveled.  The point is...who's going to be looking at what scar there is anyway?  Who checks out armpit areas of older men?  No one that I know of. 

The kind of scars mentioned above are what I call necessity scars.  Something is wrong with the body and it requires surgery to fix which may leave scars.  While not all of us have those necessity scars, it's a good bet most all of us do have what I call life scars.  Life scars are those scars that are etched on our minds, hearts, psyches, and souls.  They come from baggage we carry, experiences we have had, mistakes we have made, and any number of other reasons.  Some are self inflicted, some are not.  They're not easily visible to others because we are, as humans, really adept at hiding those scars.  Those scars often cause us to feel bad about ourselves (shame and guilt).  They can make us feel unworthy, or less than we really are. 

There are some very positive truths about the life scars we carry.  And, it is those truths that bring us closer to our real calling....being a light to others for it is through our scars that others may come to see that they too are worthy children of God....even with their scars (and especially because of them).

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