Wednesday, April 23, 2014

Angel of apathy or.....

Now that spring break is over for the school kids, I wonder how many parents (I'd guess mostly moms) heard their kids whine a bit about being bored during that time.  And I wonder how many of those parents responded with "just go find something to do".  It's good preparation for summer vacation isn't it?

Aren't there some times in your own life when you get a bit bored?  Even with the busyness we all face in our lives these days, working, finding time for the kids and family, taking care of the house, church activities, etc...are not there those moments when you think you could be doing something?  I think we all have those moments of restlessness, and I think that at some of those times God may just be nudging us to....indeed, do something.

Matthew West has a song out titled "Do Something".  It addresses some of the wrongs in the world and asks the question "God, why don't You do something?"  And the next verse answers that.."I did, I created you."  And that leads into the following, which is the chorus:
If not us, then who
If not me and you
Right now, it's time for us to do something
If not now, then when
Will we see an end
To all this pain
It's not enough to do nothing
It's time for us to do something

It is a pretty powerful song.  As I listened to it, I was reminded of a couple that I am close to.  Each Saturday, as a family, they take time out of their day to do something....the prepare food and take it to a homeless encampment in their area and give it to the homeless who are there.  They do it without publicity...they just do it.  They are not the Angels of Apathy sung about in the song.  They found a small need of some others that they could fill, and they acted on that need.

Yes, us guys love our weekends for the most part, and yes, it is tough sharing just a bit of it in an unusual way.  After all, we can self-justify, we have worked hard all week to "earn" the right of an enjoyable weekend doing just what we want to to.  Well, how about this.....why not earn a bit of joy in your heart, and the hearts of your family, by doing something extra, perhaps off the wall, to help someone less fortunate, or in real need for an evening or a small part of your weekend?  There is always a need or someone who needs just a bit of help.  You can choose to be an Angel of Apathy or you can do something.

While you are at it can you just imagine how God smiles at those that do something?


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