Friday, April 18, 2014

Help !!!!

"Hey, can you give me a hand?"  If you're like most guys, you more often than not will kind of get an "ego boost" when someone asks you that.  Someone needs you, needs some assistance.  It's kind of a feel good thing isn't it?

Then there are times when no one has asked for your help, but you can clearly see that they can use some assistance in some you jump right in and ask if you can help them.  It might be a little old lady having trouble carrying some packages, or perhaps an elderly man who appears lost and maybe confused.  Again, help is needed, help is given, and it is a feel good situation all the way around. 

What ruins a perfectly good "help" situation?  It is when there are expectations of gain of some kind...something beyond just a grateful "thank you."  Why is that so?   It is because we are all wired with a "help gene".  It is just within us to want to try to help someone else....because we also care.

There's no need to go into detail about ways to help others.  Hey, that would take a huge book.  Suffice it to say, if we each are simply aware of what is going on around work, at home, out in the world, we will gradually hone or radars to those "help wanted/needed" situations that are everywhere around us.  And, as this happens, ever so gradually, we will all come out of ourselves and come more into real life, where helping others is so much more gratifying, satisfying, and certainly Christ like.

Yes, you don't need an earthly reason to help people.....because we already have a heavenly reason to do so.

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