Tuesday, April 8, 2014


Back in the day as you traveled down the highway, especially in the areas just outside of the metropolitan areas, you might have thought that you were in billboard heaven. It seemed like they were right on top of one another. Now, thanks to legislation, it isn't quite so bad as it used to be. I was always particularly by the huge billboards as one approached the border of Tennessee....you know the ones advertising the fireworks. Those billboards (and there are still many there) set the benchmark for making billboards.

We each have the potential to be a billboard. Many choose not to be a billboard, and this is accomplished by masking or hiding what we really believe. There's a saying we hear every once in a while..."he wears his emotions on his sleeve". That would mean that the "he" referred to is not afraid or ashamed to let his emotions show. And that isn't a bad thing...in fact, it is a great thing. What is wrong, after all, in being real, and not hiding it from others?

We can also be billboards as regards our spiritual lives. What greater example than to wear our Christianity on our sleeves? How many broken people might be helped if we all wore it on our sleeves? Talk about "truth in advertising"! I can't remember how many folks I came in contact with during the dark times in my life who I inwardly admired because they wore their faith on their sleeves. And I often thought with pangs of jealousy..."if I could only be like them". They were human billboards.

Other men do notice it when we are billboards. Many of those will not think of us as weird or odd. Many will look upon us with a sense of wonder, and perhaps yearning....and we never know where that momentary sense of wonder and yearning will lead that person.
Are you a billboard that other men, husbands, and fathers can look at with wonder and yearning? God can speak to those men through your billboard.

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