Friday, April 25, 2014

Filet of soul

You don't have a soul...
You are a soul...
You have a body.
C. S. Lewis
Michelangelo is quoted as saying something to the effect that when he would look over a piece of marble for one of his sculptures he always envisioned that the sculpture itself was already inside, and that it was his job just to chip away at the edges to reveal the sculpture.
We are pieces of sculpture....each crafted by God's own hand.  The name of that sculpture is "our soul".  And when we pass on, it is that same soul which leaves the body to go where it is to go...hopefully to heaven.  Our bodies, the roughness that surrounded our sculpture, goes back to where it came from in the beginning....dust.
During our lifetimes, we are the Michaelangelo's of our own individual sculpture....our soul.  As such, it is incumbent on us to keep chipping away at the stuff in our lives that stops our soul from being all that it can be.  Preparing our sculpture is a life long process, and the beauty of knowing that a soul was prepared specifically to go to heaven is the ultimate reward for all the hard work of the and I.
And that is quite a challenge, is it not?  There's nothing fishy about this filet of soul.

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