Monday, April 7, 2014

Scars are beautiful

When you looked at the title maybe you thought "this guy is nuts, there isn't anything pretty about scars".  Perhaps you have some scars from an accident or surgery.  Many folks do.  I had both shoulders replaced over the past couple of years, and yes I have the "zippers" showing as a result.

I'm not writing about those kinds of scars however.  I'm writing about the kinds of scars we all have.  These are the kind of scars that aren't readily visible to others.  These are the scars we carry inside from our past.  We get that kind of scaring from broken relationships, grievous mistakes we made, hurts inflicted on us by others, etc.  We bear those scars because we have been cut deeply. 

Our internal scaring is what makes us or breaks us as men, fathers, and husbands.  If, over time, we fail to identify those scars, see how they affect us as we interact with others, and fail to address them, they then become like scar tissue.  They become hard spots within our core....our hearts.  A heart hardened by scar tissue affects our very being and poses a huge threat to our spiritual health.

Over the years, because of the life style I chose for so long, I accumulated a lot of internal scars, and my heart was affected.  It became hardened, and with that hardening came a long dark period....away from anything that represented spiritual healing.  Many experience the same thing just as many also experience the mad cycle that goes with it...."I have done much that is not right, and therefore I am bad, therefore I cannot be fixed, and now it is too late to try". 

God knows of our scars and what caused them.  Our scars don't bother Him....if we just bring them to Him, acknowledge them to Him, and ask Him to once again fill those scared hearts with His love.  At that moment He is seeing those scars as beautiful imperfections....something we can then each do.  While not happy over all the wrong choices I made along the way, I now think that my scars are beautiful....just as God does.  And I am proud of them because they have each, in some way, taught me to be a better man, husband, and father.  This can happen to everyone because God loves us matter what.
because God certainly is !!

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