Monday, March 2, 2015

3 Monkeys

Monkey see,  monkey do.  I'd guess that most folks are familiar about the term.  Here's what Wikipedia has to say about the term;   "Monkey see, monkey do is a pidgin-style saying that appeared in American culture in the early 1920's. The saying refers to the learning of a process without an understanding of why it works.  Another definition implies the act of mimicry, usually with limited knowledge and/or concern of the consequences."

Wow....the monkey see, monkey do sure seems to hit the nail on the head with regards to our upbringing of our children.  They see what we do, and they do it.....and what they mimic is not always as simple, nice, clean, or charming as playing patty-cake is it?   "How fun....daddy just said a word I haven't heard before.  It must be ok...daddy said it.  Now I'll say it."  Point made?

On the walk of our lives as men, husbands, and fathers, we too are subject to "that monkey thing."  But let's add a monkey to the equation....the monkey that hears.  Those three monkeys for adults, Monkey see, Monkey hear, Monkey do,  can get us in serious trouble, and take us places we really don't need to be going.  They are relationship killers, and in the long run, our souls take a hit we really don't want, ie:
  • we too often tend to look at the flaws in others (and maybe even talk about those flaws)
  • we may listen to everything we are told, and then embellish it just a bit and spread it
  • we may be quick to say unkind things of others
So, guys, if you live with the three monkeys as part of your lifestyle, why not change their name?  Why not call those 3 adult monkeys, the Doesn't Monkeys....Monkey doesn't see, Monkey doesn't hear, Monkey doesn't do?  Why not step up to the plate and take charge of yourself?  Use the three Adult Monkeys to your, and the relationships you have, to your advantage as you strive to become more Christ-like?

Hey dude, might it be time to get the monkey off your back, that one that might be hurting you relationally and spiritually?  Just sayin'.

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