Monday, March 30, 2015

It's Flat

A flat tire is a pain in the neck isn't it? They don't occur at any good time. When they happen, we are faced with a choice--call someone to change it, or do it ourselves.  If we do it ourselves we can expect to get a bit dirty.  It's just not a nice thing to happen. Tires get worn when we don't pay attention to them. If they are under or over inflated the tread will wear wrong and they won't last. If we abuse them by hitting pot holes in the road, or debris, they can get damaged, or even go flat. Sometimes they go flat because they have gotten old.

In some ways, a marriage is like a tire.  When it is new, just like our tires, it is perfect. The marriage  runs smooth, and we are on guard for anything that might damage it. As the marriage gets older and our focus is on other things, it, just like the tires, gets a little worn. Sometimes we don't really pay attention to that wear. If we continue to neglect or not see the wear, eventually the relationship will begin to suffer, and those words many pastors and counselors have heard, "our marriage is flat", will be spoken.

If we don't pay regular attention to the tires on our car, or are careless in how we protect them, we can expect that eventually we may experience a flat tire. It's no different in a relationship such as marriage.

Bottom Line Thought:  Have you ever experienced the aggravation of having a flat tire? Did you enjoy it? How do you think you might react, and what would you do, if your marriage went flat?  Are there some things you can change to help keep it vibrant and alive so that it doesn't?

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