Wednesday, March 11, 2015

Your GPS device

Yep, that's a GPS on a cell phone.  I guess all of the newer ones have them.  GPS's are no longer the new thing.  Cars are being made with them as part of the package, there are portable units available for folks that don't have them as part of the included accessories.  I recently discovered that even small planes have them (it's been years and years since I've been in one).  I happened to go on some training flying with a friend a couple of months ago and we decided that we'd do a fly-over of my house.  We were about 50 aeronautical miles away, so my friend just set the address, and darned if in a bit we weren't flying right over the house...on auto-pilot.  Amazing !

What's the purpose of a GPS?  To get you from where you are to where you are going, right?  And, usually, to get you there in the most direct manner, with the least amount of hassle, correct?  It takes you from point A to point B.

I believe we all have a GPS built within us.  It is called our soul.  It's always there, it's always turned on, it always knows our current position, point A (our lives and what's going on right then), and it knows our point B position....heaven.   It's our unfailing guide to get us from our point A to point B in not only the most direct manner, but in the most Christ like manner.  And yet, just like in our cars, or on our cell phones, we don't always pay attention to it do we?

Is the light on your GPS dim, or worse yet, turned off?  Do you feel lost because maybe you aren't paying attention to your GPS?  Are there things you need to do so that your GPS will operate as God intended it to do?

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