Wednesday, March 25, 2015

Excuses & Responsibility

We all know someone(s) who we may think has an “excuse making gene” in their DNA? You know-- the kind of person who is always pointing a finger at something outside of themselves for any failure, shortcoming, misfortune or mistake that happens. Those are the folks who fail to understand that while they are pointing a finger outward to place blame, there are 3 fingers pointing right back at themselves. Often the excuses they make are quite lame. We do it in our own lives don’t we? Sometimes we think that an excuse we may offer is the easy way out of a potential jam isn’t it?
We can transition from making excuses on a regular basis to turning into a chronic whiner and complainer quite easily. There is a subtle difference between the two. That one finger pointing outward will often be pointed at someone (at least figuratively) as opposed to some things. In either case, there are still those pesky three fingers pointing straight back at the pointer, as if to say “hey, wait a minute—there is some responsibility you have to take in this situation”.

As men, it isn’t always easy to want to look at our own responsibility when something goes south. For example, there are times when it is far easier to want to shift responsibility when there are relational issues, right? In doing so we are feeding our egos and massaging our misguided sense of “superiority.” Here’s some harsh reality from an unknown source:

Everything you do is based on the choices you make. It’s not from your parents, your past relationships, your job, the economy, the weather, an argument, or your age that is to blame. You and only you are responsible for every decision and choice you make. Period.
I wonder if, when we are in the excuse making mode, or turning into whiners and complainers and pointing that finger how often might we be doing it toward God as well. And, I wonder if we don’t have some pretty lame excuses for not being the Christ followers we could be.

Bottom Line Thought: What kind of an example are you setting for those around you, and especially for the kids in your life? Will they know what taking responsibility is when they grow up?

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