Sunday, March 8, 2015

Daddy's little girl

There's a special bond between a guy and his daughter.  I think that is true for several reasons...
  • part of it is the natural love a dad has for his children
  • another part is the natural protective nature of the man for his children
  • he wants the best for his kids
  • and, lastly, who better knows guys and their ways than guys?
I would find it hard to believe that there isn't a man out there who doesn't remember how he was when he was growing up.  The things he thought, the things he did, his views on girls, sex, and everything in between.  And I would also believe that when he's looking "way back when" he sees some dark shadows and some stuff he isn't really proud of...especially those that stuff that came as a result of every young man's nemesis....raging hormones.

From personal experience, I can absolutely assure you that there are few things as meaningful as having a grown adult daughter with a family thank you for their childhood amidst shared laughter of some of the tougher times.  Tough times like;
  • saying "no"  and meaning it, and sticking to it, when it hurts to do so
  • taking them "to the woodshed" as an act of tough love instead of letting it slide
  • not caving in and allowing them to follow the peer pressure that they are experiencing because you know where it may lead
  • spending quality time with them when it was not what you wanted to do at the time
  • guiding them and teaching them to respect their bodies and minds
What goes into their minds from words, actions, and others is what will mold those minds into what they later become.  For example:

Garbage in-garbage out, as the IT guys say.  It applies to computers, and it applies to minds.
Are you doing all that you can to ensure that your "daddy's little girl" will become all that she can be as a godly woman?



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