Sunday, March 23, 2014

Is the box empty or full?

WYSIWYG.  As this post is being produced in real time, it is WYSIWYG that allows the author to be able to "see" what the finished product will look like when printed out.  The acronym stands for "what you see is what you get".  If the article is being typed out with punctuation errors and misspelled words, it will appear with those same errors to those who ultimately read it or print it out.  In other words, the document is only as perfect as the person on the keyboard makes it be.

Marriage is a lot like WYSIWYG in many ways.  For certain, it is a what you see is what you get deal.  But there is more to it.  Much more.  Marriage is like a can be empty, partially full, or full.  It all depends on what you put into it.  The more you put into it, the more you can expect to take from the marriage.  If you put nothing in, you can rest assured you will get little or nothing back in return.  Divorces rarely come from full boxes.  Here is what I mean by the marriage box:

If I am to be a better man, husband, and father, is it not incumbent upon me to keep filling the box?  Is your box full, empty, or somewhere in between?

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