Thursday, March 20, 2014

What's your problem?

Did you ever have someone give you "that look" and ask you "What's your problem"?  In my experience, many times when I have heard that question, it was asked out of a sense of animosity to one degree or another.  I can remember instances when I did something that someone took exception to and their response was "what's your problem" and it was not asked in a kind manner.  It was an expression akin to "you're pushing your limits or luck here buddy".  Basically it was a warning...."hey you, you are starting to get on my nerves and my fuse is short today" or something similar.

Now let's switch gears here just a bit.  Sticking with the issue of "problems" we all have them.  When was the last time you didn't have a problem of some sort, large or small, do-able or pressing?  We all get problems from time to time.  It is part of life.  It is part of being human.  Sometimes I think they are like flu bugs...I get them from the air I breathe.

What we do with the problems we create ourselves or acquire is pretty much determined by the choices we make based on the kind of lifestyle we live.  As men who are trying to be better men, husbands, and fathers, it helps to first trust God with our problems through prayer and sharing.  Believe me....God is NOT going to fix any of your problems.  He has certainly never fixed any of mine.  But what God does, if we allow it and are tuned in, is gives us guidance to do the next right thing...whatever that is, regardless of whether we like it or not.  If we listen, He will speak to us about our problems. 

In face, in keeping with the relationship he seeks from all of us, he wants our problems.  He wants us to share them, to turn them over to Him.  Why?  So we can listen, learn, and act in the manner He would have us.

Wouldn't it be great if each morning that was our first thought?  Wouldn't it be greater if you would let that be your first thought each morning?  So, I have to ask....what's your problem?  What's stopping you?

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