Monday, March 3, 2014

The Inevitable will happen

A common saying often heard is "there's only 2 things for certain....death and taxes".  Taxes, we all know about, and that's a subject for another forum.  So let's explore death for a moment.  As we get older our views seem to change.  By older I mean we reach that point in time when we realize that lost dreams and hopes are just that..lost, missed opportunities are not recoverable, and generaly we are much more at ease with ourselves.  We know absolutely that death is inevitable as we stare it in the face.

With the younger folks it's a slightly different story.  Yes, they know that death is unavoidable and will occur.  There is, however, often a sense of invincibility about the in, I've got a long way to go before it gets me.  Been there, done that.

The truth of the matter is one we all can, and does, come at any time.  That said, what kind of questions are in your mind about that time?  Hopefully, you believe that you will be going to Heaven.  And hopefully, a man, a husband, and a father, have instilled that idea in the minds of your children.  All that's left, with that thought in mind, is to live a life in such a manner that you can follow one single goal (and teach your kids the same)..."I want to know Christ".   If you work on that goal, and reach that goal, you will get the prize....Heaven.  It almost sounds odd doesn't it..."I know I'm going to die, so all I want is the prize (Heaven).

Here's a little story I picked up about a guy that wasn't quite sure:

We as Christians know where the Master is, and that He waits. Do the folks within your sphere of influence have that assurance? What can you as a man, a husband and a father do to help them have that assurance? After all, it can happen in the next few moments.

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