Saturday, March 29, 2014

The longest bridge

Doubt.  Fear.  Hesitancy.  Unwillingness.  Whining.  Those are things I do, or feelings I have, at those times when I know I have to do something and about which I have no clue as to a possible outcome.  I think that is universal among most of us humans.  It almost seems that needing to know possible results is a part of our collective DNA.

Polar opposite to doubt is faith.  And it is faith that can put the K.O. to fear, hesitancy, unwillingness, and whining.  In looking at faith, we can see that it is multi-dimensional.  When faced with situations in which we can see several possible outcomes, much less faith is needed to take the leap than in situations in which we have no clue what the outcomes may be.  Some things just need pure, unadulterated, leaps of faith.  Like where our lives are headed.

Over the years, I discovered that I really do like to be in control.  No, that doesn't mean I am a control freak in the sense that most understand control freaks.  Rather, I had this really strong urge to control my own destiny, run my life as I thought it needed to be run.  If God and I happened to be in sync with my plans for my life, well... all was good.  It was at those times when I felt that He was clearly letting me know in one way or another that His plan differed from mine that I would start to balk and get a bit whiney.  I knew, after all, that I could fully trust me and my judgement, and that His was just a good back-up plan for my own.  Perhaps that is why I often found myself in jams, under undue stress, and sometimes unhappy!

I think we all take some lumps in life because to one degree or another we lack that thing called faith.  After a while it just gets more comfortable not taking those lumps, so gradually we come to trust God more and more with our lives.  Some of the most beautiful things I have learned are:
  • God will never give me more than I can handle
  • He will never leave me
  • His plan for me is a better plan than I could ever make
  • His plan includes a lifetime with Him when I die
All we need to do is to know that God has a plan for us all, and have the faith to follow that plan and to see it to fruition. 

That is the greatest example of faith we can have, because by doing so we are entrusting our lives to do whatever, whenever, and wherever God wants us to do.  Much like those who are blind, who have to rely on other senses, people, and dogs to lead them,  I need to be blind to myself and allow God to lead me.  That's pure faith. 

Pure faith is like the longest bridge in the world.  That bridge, the bridge of faith, is spanning our lifetime...from now until we get where He is leading us....ultimately to be with Him.

The only thing that matters if I have faith is where I am now.  I won't be alone on the bridge.  God will be with me....and you.

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