Thursday, March 6, 2014

Stairway to Heaven

1971...Led Zeppelin.  Remember...Stairway to Heaven?  "There's a lady who's sure all that glitters is gold, and she's buying a stairway to heaven".

In the real world we are captive to, we obviously know that all that glitters is not gold, and while there are those who think otherwise, we certainly can't buy our way into Heaven.  There are plenty of biblical references that tell us outright that good deeds and works alone will not get us there.

What does get us there is a goal that each of us should have in mind as we go about our daily business:  "I want to know Christ."  A 5 word goal....simple as that.  Yes, many do think that Heaven itself is our goal.  My pastor put that one to rest last week when he shared that Heaven is the prize and the goal is those 5 words.  If we reach our goal, then we absolutely get the prize.  That too is talked about in our Bibles.

If you want to talk about a stairway to heaven, then it would follow that the stairway is at the end of that long narrow road we all tread, that thing called life's journey.  And that being the case, we will necessarily come across many things and situations that may make us stumble, fall, wonder, and question.  Through it all, however, is one constant....the need to have faith to get us through those times.  Martin Luther King said it well:

There will be many times throughout our lives when we as men, husbands, and fathers cannot see or visualize the whole staircase.  That is because we are human.  But just as God gave us the ability to choose and make choices, He also gave us the ability to have faith....if we want to. 
So I submit that next time a trip, stumble, or fall occurs on your walk of life, that you grasp faith and grab on to it hard.....even if you can't quite see that staircase to Heaven.  It's there.  He promised.

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