Wednesday, November 12, 2014

Got a tattoo?

You see a lot of tattoos these days.  It's almost the thing to do it seems.  When one is looking at pro football or basketball, it seems as if almost every player not only has a tattoo, butt rather that they have been painted with tattoos.  And nowadays you see so many youths with tattoos.  We had a neighbor a while back that had a daughter in her early 20's.  A pretty young thing.....but loaded, and I do mean loaded, with tattoos.  I always wondered what she would look like by the time she hit 65 or 70.  And they are pretty permanent I guess, unless one wants to go through the expensive process of getting them removed.

Words are a lot like tattoos.  How easy is it to get into a "discussion" with, say, your wife or kids and things go a bit farther than you afterwards wish they had?  Like, to the point that you say things that as soon as they leave your mouth you wish you could just stuff right back in there and forget they ever came out.  The damage is done.  No matter how you apologize, they came out and did some amount of damage to that other person.  Those words that came out are like a tattoo and they wear like one.

I don't have any tattoos inked on my skin, but I can sure tell you I have pasted more than my share on myself by the way I have spoken to people along the way.  Those tattoos are not as easy to remove as the inked ones.....let me tell you.

Do you have any tattoos.....the ones you have pasted on others?

Maybe the next time we get into dialogs with others, and have the sense that perhaps the discussion is going downhill instead of uphill, it would be good for all of us to think of tattoos.

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