Friday, November 14, 2014

You are beautiful !!

You are so beautiful to me
You are so beautiful to me
Can't you see
Your everything I hoped for
Your everything I need
You are so beautiful to me

Such joy and happiness you bring
Such joy and happiness you bring
Like a dream
A guiding light that shines in the night
Heavens gift to me
You are so beautiful to me
Do those lyrics (the whole song there) ring a bell?  It was first sung by Joe Cocker, and became a number 5 hit in 1975, on his album I Could Use a Little Rain.  That song has always had an effect on me....way back in '75 until present.
It's a shame, isn't it that when we talk or think of beauty or beautiful that so many stereotypes play a role in what we consider beauty or beautiful.  Which kind of lends credence to the oft repeated is in the eyes of the beholder.  Sadly, many, many folks buy into the stereotypical "definition" of beauty and focus on that rather than those things which really matter in life isn't it?
At the core, in our hearts, it really shouldn't matter if someone is fat, ugly, maimed, handicapped, mentally different, black, orange, or green should it?  In our heart of hearts we should be able to look past all of those things and know that that someone is a beautiful person, right?  But, we don't do that too much, do we?  Why is that so?
Let's try this.  Let's agree that there is only one Beholder....and that One is God.  We are ALL His children, and we are ALL beautiful to Him. It's kind of strange isn't it......that we are all made in His image, and yet we can't see beauty the way He does.  I know I don't.  Do you?
Perhaps, just perhaps, if we just started thinking of ourselves as beautiful,  because our God that loves us so does, we might just start to think of all others as beautiful.  Especially since we know all about our dirt and flaws....and we don't know squat about that of others (only their outward appearance).  Go ahead and say it...."I am beautiful".  Say it you mean it!  Post a sticky note on your mirror to remind you each day.  You are beautiful.  When you can do that, you are no longer the eyes of the beholder, and those eyes are right where they belong....with God.
If you want to hear the song that goes with that lyric....listen up.....and imagine it is God singing, and not Joe Cocker.
thanks Tim Southerland

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