Sunday, November 16, 2014

Raising those children

It's no piece of cake raising those children is it?  I have never heard anyone, ever, say that it was a piece of cake.  I'm not just talking about the moms who are around them the most.  I really do believe it is just as hard for us guys that have, or have had, children, as it is the moms.  Generally speaking, we are the providers for the whole family unit, and share an enormous responsibility by being the figurehead of the household.  All that we say and do is constantly absorbed in those sponge like brains of our children.  All that we say and do has a huge part in how they are shaped and molded, and thus what they will become as they age.

James Dobson hit it right on the head when he came out with this:

What is the key word in that passage attributed to Dobson?  Responsibility !!!  Do you view your child raising as a responsibility or an obligation?  What would be the difference between the two?
It is not uncommon, that despite our best intentions, efforts, and prayers as parents, that one or more of those children we've raised just seem to go completely in the opposite direction.  It happens.  Many survive, and cross the river and come back.  For some, it takes a long time.  Some may, sadly, never make it back. Those are few and far between.  If, in your heart of hearts, you are secure that you gave parenting your best shot, and your child went across the river, Dobson has a message for you:

For the sake of the argument, say you are in the middle of your parenting season of life.  Say you feel perhaps you haven't been doing this thing wholeheartedly and with priorities fully straight on focus.  Do you know what?  It is never too late to change things.  Especially when you are looking at something as important as lives.....those of your children.
How are you at raising your children?

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