Monday, November 10, 2014

Our destiny....for real???


noun \ˈdes-tə-nē\
: what happens in the future : the things that someone or something will experience in the future
: a power that is believed to control what happens in the future
Folks sometimes talk about destiny.  People think about their "destiny".  We may hear such things as:
  • "he was destined to be great", or whatever
  • "he was destined to be a failure", or whatever
  • "you'll 'find' your destiny"

I'm not so sure I like the word destiny, because I'm pretty sure none of us knows what is going to happen in the future if the above description of destiny is true.  Since the description is from Merriam-Webster Dictionary, I really do have a lot of faith in its description.  I also have a lot of trouble with the 2nd part of the description..."a power that is believed to control what happens in the future".  What is the name of that power?  Who believes it is to control in the future?  Is the future in the next couple of minutes...or hours..or days...or what?

I've always been the kind of "what will be, will be" guy.  I never thought much about what my "destiny" was, or would be....and that was because it really was, after all, out of my hands.  Sure, I controlled my decisions that could and would affect my future, and yes, I controlled my actions that likewise had an effect (or could have) on me in future time.....but, is that really destiny?  I think not.

This pretty much sums up my views on destiny:


By thinking or worrying about our destiny, aren't we really just trying to wrestle a bit of control of our lives from God?  Aren't we kind of snubbing our nose at Him, by declaring that we know better what is or isn't right for us than He does?  Surely, if God is at the center of our being, all we really have to do is listen.....He will lead us right to our real destiny....not the one we have perhaps made up for ourselves.
How much control are you willing to give up to find your real destiny?

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