Monday, November 3, 2014


Toads aren't very pretty creatures at all.  In fact, many might consider them ugly.  They're not liked very much either by us humans and that may be because they have warts all over them, unlike frogs.  What little boy doesn't like frogs?  But how many of those same little boys like toads.  Even the name "toad" is a negative sounding name I think, whereas "frog" is a fun name, again as evidenced by the fact that the little guys always like scaring the little girls with frogs if a handy lizard isn't around.  And there isn't a menu around that ever advertises toad legs as far as I know. 

Speaking about warts, there is one kind of wart that symptomatic of many of us humans....and that is the worry wart.  Are you a worry wart?  Worry warts, and especially Christians who are worry warts have just a wee bit of an issue they need to deal with.  You see, there is a huge difference between having concerns, and being a worry wart.  One who has concerns will share those concerns....with God, because he trusts that God will guide him on the right path to deal with those concerns.  A worry wart, however, is much more selfish and controlling.  He wants to massage and hold close that which is "bothering" him.  To share it with God, and then trust God for the outcome, would simply mean losing some control.  Maybe that is why warts are perceived as ugly.

From my own observation, worry warts are not as happy as the folks that just have concerns.  Could that possibly be a result of the concerned one knowing he has a trusting, open,  and loving relationship with God?

What else can be said besides what does the concerned one do with that which concerns him?  He shares them through prayer with the God he knows he can trust, the same God that loves him no matter what, and the same God who will provide peace and direction.

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