Monday, January 13, 2014

Evil will not win

Since time began, bad things have happened to good people.  There has been no shortage of senseless tragedies.  In recent times, two of the most horrific tragedies have been the 9-11 Twin Towers event and the Sandy Hook school masacre in late 2012.

Whenever events like these occur, some folks (informed christians and non-believers alike) ask one or the other of the following questions:
  1.  "how can God let something like this happen"?
  2.  "if God is so good, why does He let things like this happen"? 
There have been many good books written addressing those issues.  My personal answer to those questions is a simple faith centered answer....I don't know why, I just have to trust God and His judgement.  Some folks might find that reasoning flawed and would challenge it.  Since I am a rather simplistic person who lacks good debating skills, I prefer to simply feel comfortable that I am on the right track with that reasoning.

That said, I strongly believe several things:
  • tragic events of a horrific nature will never stop occurring as long as there are people. 
  • no matter what legal or preventative measures are put into place, they will occur.
  • evil human nature is not legislatable by man. 
  • governance can control some behaviors, but not all.
My whole premise in writing this particular posting follows.  Given the above, it is clear to me that we have only one real choice to make when evil does occur:   we can overcome evil or we can let evil win.  As long as I breathe I will not let evil win.  And I believe that every other christian would say the same thing.  Why?  Because our God is mightier than all of the evil in the world.  We have the choice to believe that or not as a people, and that is a significant separation point.

Here is one mother's take on that:


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