Friday, January 31, 2014

Note from God

It's almost as if there is a little permanent post-it note from God stuck inside my brain and heart, one that grabs my attention every once in a while.  I'd bet I wasn't the only one who sensed the presence of such a note.  Here is what that note says:
Tonight was one of those nights when sleep just wouldn't come to me.  Terminal toss and know.  I had tried to "do business" with God as I went to bed, but looking back it was just a cursery effort.  As I lay there doing my bed flops, it occurred to me that the stuff I had laying on my mind had not been dealt with at all, and that my meaningless effort at "doing business" was little less than a sham....and that is why I wasn't getting anywhere near sleep. 
Simply put, God was speaking to me and he was saying "Talk to Me"!  Ever have that happen?
Romans 7: 14-25 (I'm not a scholar...I had to dig it out) provided some solace to me once I got up.  In that passage Paul is talking about his inner struggles.  To paraphrase, he is making a statement "I do what I don't want to do, and don't do what I want to do" in so many words.  He is talking about the control sin has in his life, even though in his inner being he is at one with God.  And that is the gist of what was bothering my mind and heart as I lay in bed and attempted to get to sleep.  I couldn't turn off my mind to the fact that throughout the day I had struggled mightely (and failed) to refrain from some terrible sin habits I happen to have that I continually struggle with.  I don't think I am the Lone Ranger in that area of my life.
So God's little post-it note did it's job once again.  It was the impetus to get me out of bed and into the Word, and then into Him with some meaningful dialogue.  Of particular importance to me was the clarity of what Paul was saying and how it rang true with me. I cannot gloss over the fact that I have these flaws.  I cannot minimize them when "doing business".  And I need to remind myself that they don't have to take me down. 
If I heed the note from God, I'm a step ahead of the game.  Do you get notes from God?

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