Thursday, January 30, 2014

It ain't always so easy

Life.  Just doin' life.  It sounds simple to the ear when we say it.  It is one of those simple "light" words/terms that just seems to ooze ease, isn't it?  And you know, sometimes when I first wake up and am just hanging there before actually getting out of bed I can just about convince myself that that is true.  And there it ends.  Right?

Facing a new day can be a task.  I used to look at each new day with a bit of trepidation.  I didn't know what curveballs would get tossed my way that day, but I knew there would be some.  I usually had some baggage I was still carrying from previous days.  I had my masters degree in inventing crises and worries, and I seemingly tried to find them with a passion.  Anything sound familiar?

After a while, greeting each day with a sense of fear, concern, worry, or anxiety not only gets old, but it has this subtle way of:
  •  wearing us down,
  • tiring us out,
  • disengaging our hearts and thus hurting our relationships with others,
  • eroding any faith we might have
  • isolating us
  • etc.
I can't imagine what the cumulative effects would be as one starts to grow grey and gets the road map face.  I know what the effects were well into middle age.  It became a self feeding cycle and it was ugly.  Fortunately, we are all able, if we choose to overcome that hindrance to living daily life as it was meant...a life of joy and peace.  It won't always be easy, but it sure beats the alternative.

Here is, perhaps, a little known fact:
If we live each day fearlessly, we will be trusting God as we need to in order to go about our lives with a sense of joy and peace.  Living with joy and peace does seem to make the word "life" seem so much simpler doesn't it?

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