Friday, January 3, 2014

Trees get new leaves each year, and so should man...or Building a New Past

Since 2014 is just starting out, I have found it fitting to so some serious introspection over the past few days.  Not to make New Years resolutions....we all know how that goes.  No, more like "what is it about me that I don't like and how best can I spend my time changing that this year". 

Would I like to lose a few pounds?  Sure...a lot of folks would.

Would I like to eat a better diet of food?  ditto

Would I like to get more rest?  ditto

And the list could go on.  You get the picture.  No, what I am talking about is how I can best use the time I will be given in 2014 (whatever that time may be....and, hint, we never know do we?) to make me a better me.  Why?  Simply so I can be a better man, a better husband, and a better dad.  If I have learned anything throughout the years I have been allowed to grace this earth is that there is always work to be done to accomplish that...always.

So this blog journey will be a series of postings  about that journey.  I don't think that it is necessary to go into all the details of my journey up to this point.  Suffice it to say, I spent a major portion of my life not being a very nice guy.  Oh, to be sure, a lot of folks thought I was nice....but I have always been a pretty good actor, and I could keep several of the Joe Miller's hidden pretty well.  But the bottom line is, I have always known me better than anyone else, and I haven't always liked me very much because I knew just how much I was driven by those hidden Joe Miller's that most folks never even got a glimpse of.  So history isn't important here....nothing can be changed. 

What can be changed is what and who I am today, and that will help determine the what and who I will be tomorrow if God sees fit to give me a tomorrow. So this whole journey, via this blog, will explore a hodge-podge of random thoughts, brainwaves, halelulia moments, epiphanies, a-ha's and whatever that all deal with the ongoing process of change for the betterment. 

Here are some things I know (and I don't know a whole lot) with certainty:

  • I have no way of knowing how long I will reside on this earth
  • I believe in God
  • therefore I believe that I can go to heaven when I do leave this earth
  • and thus, I need to be the kind of man who will be brought into the kingdom when that time comes.
  • which all means, that every moment that I am in the now counts toward that end and....
  • I can either utilize that time, or blow it.
Knowing those things helps me to focus more on what I need to do with my life than what I want to do with my life, as well as those things that I can do to keep me kingdom directional.

So the blog will be all about building a new past, just as the trees getting new leaves each year.  It will be about one man's journey  down life's rocky road toward betterdom.

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