Sunday, January 5, 2014

The Window

Were someone to wonder, or even ask me,  why I seem to be self depricating in my postings, I would have to say that it's a fair question.  In looking over the posts it may appear that the purpose of the posts are to commit a public flogging of myself to some.  So I'll cut to the chase here.

It is all about in transparency, openess, being real, being not afraid of my dirty little secrets, about being clear about my brokeness as a man.  And, you say, the purpose of that is.....?

We all have our windows of life.  Sometimes those windows can be completely impossible to see either in to our out of.  Sometimes they are opaque.  Sometimes they are rose colored (get it?).  Sometimes we just open the curtains just a little bit.  Other times the windows are wide open and everyone can see in and out. 

Here's the deal.  I am not being self depricating.  I write because of what is in or on my heart at the time, and if it means I have to share a bit of ugliness about myself to write it...well, guess will get written.  And why?  Because I beleive that in order for me to be a better man, father, and husband I cannot leave, hidden away where others will never see them, those little things about me that make me less of a better man, father, and husband.  My inner being tells me that if I have no secrets I am therefore a better man, father, and husband especially because my flaws as a person are visible.  And if my flaws are visible it gives me huge incentive to do something about them because then, I too, am seeing those flaws right smack dab in my face...and I really want to do something about them.  Kind of like the old "out of sight-out of mind" thingy.  If I don't see 'em, I ain't gonna fix 'em. 

Then there is the other added advantage of this thing called transparency.  It is infectious.  Maybe, just maybe, someone reading these posts might just feel a tug at their own heart and they may figure out that they too can be a better man, husband and father because they have decided to let others see into their window.

And lastly, and most importantly.....if I have a dirty window, or I close my window to others, or I only selectively open my windows I can surely hide my brokeness from others, but I will never, ever be able to hide it from God and that is what matters when it comes to the window of my life.

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