Tuesday, February 18, 2014

And in this corner....

I'll date myself a bit here.  Years ago we used to watch the Friday Night Fights on television.  That was way in the day before flat screen TV's, let me tell you. Maybe even before color.   One of the ring announcers jobs was to introduce the boxers,  "in this corner"...we have so and so, "and in this corner" is so and so. 

Life is kind of  like a boxing match in some ways.  I know it is for me.  Sometimes I feel like I'm getting the crap beaten out of me.  Sometimes I feel like a real punching bag.  Sometimes I feel like no matter what I'm doing right, I'm gonna get clobbered again.  No, it isn't always like that, but if your are breathing I'd bet you might be able to identify with that.  It's just life.

One of the things that hit me right between the eyes when I finally came into a living relationship with Christ was that I was totally and irreversably ambushed by God's grace, and the grace of the folks where I have my church home.  And because of that I learned:

I know, without doubt, that "in this corner stands God".  He's in my corner.....mine.  So it really doesn't matter who or what is in the other corner.  That won't stop the struggles in this long walk down the narrow dirt road of life, but it sure adds a dimension of safety in getting to the end.
Who's in your corner?

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