Saturday, February 22, 2014

Wrong turns

The guy gender used to really get a rap back in the day.  They were the brunt of jokes, jabs, and comments from spouses about their seeming lack of desire to consult road maps or, gasp!, stop and ask for directions when it seemed they may be going off course slightly (or more).  With the advent of GPS that problem kind of took care of itself.

But that doesn't stop us from making wrong turns in our life even though we have the absolute best GPS ever to exist right in our bodies.  That GPS unit is housed in our heart, and I like to call it the God Pointing System.  This particular GPS unit nudges us when we are about to make a wrong turn.  It is the GPS that can, if we sense it's nudging and heed it's subtle warning, keep us from getting into a situation that may precipitate consequences we don't really want to bear. 

I believe that another function of this heart based internal GPS that we have is to serve as a direct guiding mechanism....even if we don't want, or understand, what happens at the time.  Case in point....I had been church-less for a long time (about 8 years), because I walked away from it.  In those 8 years I made a lot of wrong turns, and life wasn't always calm and happy or nice.  Over a period of time I came to the decision (somewhat forced, but that is another story) that I needed to get spiritually grounded and back into a church.  I just couldn't seem to find one that I clicked with.  I guess that God, while He is always patient, sometimes runs out of patience and takes things into His own hands.  Coming home from a trip one day I made a wrong turn....a wrong right turn...yes the turn itself was right, as were the results.  Just down the road was a church, and something inside of me just literally screamed...."here is your church home".  I check it out the next weekend and have never looked has been my church home since then.  My internal GPS took over that day, I made a wrong right turn and ended up at the right place.

Our internal GPS will never leave us.  If you want, picture it as a lighthouse....the beacon is always on.  God's light is always on. 

Do you listen to your internal GPS?

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