Tuesday, February 11, 2014

Humble Pie

Does the name Mac Davis ring a bell?

Oh Lord it's hard to be humble
when you're perfect in every way,
I can't wait to look in the mirror
cause I get better looking each day
To know me is to love me
I must be a hell of a man.
Oh Lord it's hard to be humble
but I'm doing the best that I can
Do those lyrics ring a bell?  I'm sure you put it together now....Mac Davis sang that song back in the '80's if I'm not mistaken.  And the song is all about...........??  Right, humility.
When you think of how to describe a humble person, what might be your first thoughts?  My own thoughts used to be something like this:  a humble person is wimpy, mousey, quiet, meek, gentle and kind, and not really a man's man and maybe even a bit of a sissy.  Sounds pretty bad doesn't it?  Well, it is bad, because those beliefs were based on a lack of knowledge of what real humility is.  And, in learning what real humility is, I was enabled to do some serious self reflection on how I possibly come across to other people. 
I recently heard a really great message about humility.  Here I will sumarize it and offer the salient points....points that we all might pay due regard to in our daily walk:
To be humble

  1. we accept the fact that life is not all about us
  2. we decide to serve others....we will do, from time to time, random acts of kindness
  3. we learn to be humble
How do we learn to be humble and to live in humility?  Here are some thoughts that were shared with me:
  • avoid taking credit
  • praise others
  • help others succeed
  • admit your mistakes
  • learn from others
  • go last
  • serve others
A while back in this blog there was a post about gifts.  One of the points made was that we all have gifts and we should make the choice to use them for kingdom work.  An example used in the article was the extraordinarily talented and gifted worship leader at our church.  While extremely gifted and talented, he is also extraordinarily humble.  How so?  While he realizes his talents and gifts, he lives his life in keeping with the 7 steps of living humbly.  Oh, and by the way.....he is far from wimpy, mousey, meek, quiet, sissy, and boring.  He's a very regular guy....that happens to be very humble.

Jesus, during his time on earth, modeled perfect humility.  His lessons throughout the New Testament reflect that.  By reading the word and studying what He modeled for us, we can all become a more humble people.
Being a humble person isn't all that hard.  For some of us, it may just take a little change of how we look at ourselves.

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