Wednesday, February 19, 2014

There's always a friend....

This one will be short and sweet.  And, yes, I have used this visual aid before.  Life can get tough.  Life can get ugly at times.  And at times you can feel that life has let you down or passed you by.  We all feel that way once in a while.  It is a human reaction to disappointments and failures.  Sometimes in our worse times we see who our true friends are.  They are the ones that will stick by us no matter what.  But there may be times when, by their silence, you may wonder if they too have stepped aside.

We all, each and every one of us, have a friend who is constantly with us.....whether we acknowledge it or not, whether we know it or not.  There will NEVER be a more faithful friend.  He wants only the best for us.  He is God.

God has known you since before you were born
God knows where you've been and where you're going
God accepts you as you are if you accept Him
God constantly and gently invites you to grow in him
Sometimes it is hard to let a friend be a friend.  Do you ever have that problem?
Sometimes we just don't want a friend around.  Do you have that problem?
With God as a friend, there won't be any problems like that.  He is there for us whether we want Him to or not.  And He is very, very patient with us.  He can wait a long time, and He will wait.
I know that for certain.....He sure waited a long time for me, and He never, ever left me through all of my dark periods.
Are you looking for a new best friend?  You already have one.  Just reach out to God.  He's waiting for you.

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