Thursday, February 27, 2014

Good Morning !!

One of the undisputed great inventions in past decades was the 3-M Post It note.  How many times in your life (work, personal, whatever) have you made use of Post It notes for any variety of reasons?

When we were still freshly married and I went to work carrying a lunch packed from home, it was always a nice little surprise to find an "I love you" note stuck in the lunch box when I opened it up.  And I can't tell you how often Post It's have been used for book marks in our was like regular bookmarks never existed.

We, at least I do, usually rely on what I call "gut checks" (which are actually nudges by the Holy Spirit in my heart) to help me steer the course when I am about to stray.  Maybe those "gut checks" are God's variety of Post It's???  You know, where He is surely reminding me of something I need to look at or remember. 

Do you, in your walk to be a better man, husband, father, get Post It notes from God?  How much trouble do you have in seeing them and allowing them to remind you of something?

Maybe a way we could all benefit from God's Post It notes would be to actually make one up for Him.  Ok, it may sound corny, but hear me out.  It is pretty much a given that all men go to the bathroom when they wake do what needs to be done, shave, splash water in the face, whatever.  How about something like this that you could put on your medicine cabinet door?

 Would that help you in your journey down the long narrow dark road of life?

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