Sunday, February 9, 2014

Who are you?

Who are you?
How would you answer that?
How would your family answer that?
How would your friends answer that?
How would your relatives answer that?
How would God answer that?
Would the answers for each of the questions above be the same?  Or would the answers vary?  Would the answers (except for the last one) vary because of the way you have projected yourself?
Just how do you really project yourself? 
If you are living your daily life, or making continued efforts to, in keeping with the following statement, you have a pretty good handle on what being a godly man is all about:
It's not who you's whose you are.
  Living as one of God's children is no easy undertaking.  The greatest mentor in the world, Jesus, died on the cross for us.  And God's word is full of instructions, lessons, and examples of how we should and can live as God's children.  If I can make it a lifelong effort to live as God's child, it will never matter who I am because it will be clear to everyone whose I am.  And when I reach the end of that long dirt road of life, all that will really matter is whose I am.

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