Saturday, February 1, 2014

Ain't no U-Hauls

stuffitis: also known as stuffmania, is an affliction that predominantly afflicts humans. It is brought on in the early stages of humanhood when parents, grandparents, and siblings start to bestow far too much stuff on very small humans who cannot handle that much stuff at one time. Because of this early age indoctrination, almost without esception the majority of humans spend their lives as such:
  1. they continue to accumulate stuff until the day they die
  2. the ever growing accumulation of stuff is probably much more stuff than they would ever need
  3. oftentimes, they make little or no use of a portion of the stuff they possess
  4. they normally become excessively possessive of "my stuff"
  5. "stuff" seems to control a good portion of humans
If you think "stuff" isn't a huge part of the human psyche, you just have to watch advertisements on the television. That medium of advertising is extremely in tune with the human love affair with their stuff. Almost every single ad is no longer just about describing a product. It is almost always, at the very least, a message to convince the viewer just how badly they need that particular stuff, and now!

Now before you get all sweaty about this post, let me share that I too like my "stuff". I'm human as well. And I also realize that we all, everybody, needs some "stuff". Where I'm headed with all of this is quite simple.
  • Does stuff control you, or do you control stuff?
  • Is stuff more important to you than God, family, and friends?
  • Can you share your stuff with those less fortunate?
  • Does love of stuff get in the way of your being a more Godly person?
  • Does love of stuff hinder you in being kind, gracious, and humble?
  • How much of your stuff will you be able to use after you die?
I would add to that. Because our graves will always be the same size, one will never spot any U-Hauls in heaven. What role does your stuff play in making this a better world?

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